Sunday, September 18, 2005

as if the long stretches of uncomfortable silence weren't bad enough

i swear to God, if one more person who swings by the dungeon office with the intention of 'keeping me company' asks if i'm single, i'm going to amass the horde of fictitious boyfriends and husbands i have been telling them about all these months to seriously kick. some. ass.


  1. ahh cadiz, to think your single makes me smile.

    lemme know if you want some help on the asskicking. i'm not really good at physical combat, in fact, mostly my friends just keep me around for laughs, but i'll do some asskicking. i have a mean defense tactic called, "the shin kick and run".

  2. good, so i can add musicphile-displaced-by-hurricane-who-is-preparing-to-dethrone-ira-glass to the horde? you know i like to mix it up to throw them off. you can never have too much help when it comes to asskicking.

    heyyougetoffofmyblog, i'm not sure what you're doing wrong. sitting here looking busy pretty much screams, 'hi come in the office and hang around.' maybe i have to change my approach.

  3. My cuz put a cute guy's pic [Arjun Rampal] on her computer screen in her office.

    She tells people it's her boyfriend.

  4. Serious? You are single? Wanna go out and have a drink? Oh, wait, wait, can't do this. Rats. I forgot I am a married guy! Dang! ;)

  5. Is it so bad to be admired?

    Anyway, I'd say you could add me to your list, but I've given up my asskicking ways.

  6. believe me, i was flattered until i realized they're all married or TWELVE.

  7. ROFL
    All of them?
    Sorry, but if it weren't you, you'd be laughing too!!!

  8. oh yes.

    the worst part is that most come in and tell me about how they're not that excited to be married. not making it very appealing, i must say. and the one is like, 'so what are you going to go to school for?' um, i've been out of school for quite some time now. but i play along. i told him i'm thinking of being an x-ray technician.

    i know, i'm evil. but that's what boredom can do to you.

  9. Relax, evil sometimes is not only good but it is absolutely necessary!!!
    Once, at a wedding, a guy walked to Good Half and started telling her about me going to a strip joint with the groom in his bachelor party. The big drawback was she already knew more than that and she asked him about other details of the joint where they went after that (the groom, me and the bestman didn't go there, it was kind of a brothel really), it seems Good Half got the guy in big trouble 'cause his wife was listening.

  10. I had a situation in June where I did just start telling people I was married. *shameful* At least you dont have a younger sister who is getting married next year. That puts the family into it, and it's a two pronged attack....

    From the outside: Are you married...
    From the inside: When are you getting married? You arent getting any younger you know. Your sister is getting married, and she's younger than you, you should be married already!


    Have you ever read that email that talks about the people who come up to you at a wedding and say/ask/demand- "Youre next".

    And how the next funeral you go to, you go over to them and say "youre next".

    It was said that was an absolute guarantee, not to be interrogated again.

  11. married guys and 12s are perfect NO NO :D

    ewwww... 12??????????? :D you must look that good, huh? :)
