Saturday, December 24, 2005

and to all a good night

so i was sitting here in the dungeon drowning my sorrow in dr. pepper and chocolate chip cookies thinking man, i'd even rather be with my parents and brother at some family-friend-prayer-meeting snoozefest, fighting off pushy aunties inquiring about when the hell i'm going to get around to getting married already, than out here in the dungeon by myself on christmas eve. i was okay with it for the first couple of hours, but the more i thought about twinkly lights and crackling fireplaces, the more it started to suck. exponentially.

however, lo and behold, a jolly middle-aged elf with slicked back hair from the other department brings me my reports at ten forty! ANNND, tonight they're only doing one set, so that means i don't have to wait here till 2:30 as originally planned.

merry christmas eve to me!

so, sorry folks, i had a long post brewing for y'all, but it's gonna have to wait. i'm hitchin my sleigh and getting the hell up out of here!

i hope you all have a wonderful holiday and are surrounded by those whom you love best.



  1. Merry Christmas!

    But seriously, you have a sleigh? That's so cool.

  2. Merry Christmas, Cadiz!

    Get the hell outta there and get home. You definitely deserve it.

    I just hope my lil bro sleeps in instead of blaring my stereo and shaking me to open presents.

    I need sleep. Even on Christmas day.

  3. I'm happy for you Cadiz, git that sleigh and flyyyy.

    Haha, that was funny & cute, Lucas's li'l bro shaking him awake...

  4. Merry Christmas!

    And since you mentioned it, when are you getting married? You're not getting any younger, you know. How about that nice boy from...

  5. Happy, merry, jolly christmas!

    Don't worry about other people's opinion: you will be either too early or too late to marry...

    But finding the right one is a hard job!

  6. thanks guys, i hope you had a fabulous holiday and that you're off today (monday) and can spend the day lounging around with nothing to do -- you know, the proper way to vacay, with none of this hustling and bustling about. unfortunately, there's no rest for the wicked, so i'll be on my way into work, but after that boon on saturday i have no complaints!

    oh and for those of you curious, sorry to disappoint you, but no, i'm not getting married.

    not today, anyway.

  7. viking, i'll lend you my sleigh if you tell me what the heck happened to base 13!
