Saturday, December 17, 2005

happy landings

remember back in the day, whenever you'd be in a plane and the pilot made a safe landing, everyone would clap and cheer? have we become so desensitized to the miracle of flight that it no longer deserves applause? what's up with that?


  1. Maybe folks are trying to be 'cool' these days. But some folks still clap after a mightly long flight.

  2. we had applause earlier this year on a trip back from was great! i love fave bit of the whole flight :o)

  3. Good question, true planes have become more technoligcally advanced, but they are just as hard to fly. In fact, it takes more skill to handle that technology. I guess the airplane's record of relative safety and good landings have accustomed people to good landings.

  4. i think every one claps and cheers when the plane sits down on AMERICAN soil- kinda like- yeah freedom! (to work 24/7 and eat lots of biologically altered food)

    anyway- i heard cheers and claps when i landed back in the goodal us of a--

  5. the fact that I haven't flown in an aeroplane for like, 5 years now, makes me somewhat inelligible to comment. but heck if that ever stopped me.

    I've never had that, the clapping. so I can't really miss it now that its "gone" (which I trust upon your authority). what next, eh? the abolishment of singing camp songs on yellow school buses?

  6. clap and cheer? Were you on the Wright Brothers' flyer? The Enola Gay? How old are you?

  7. When were these times of which you speak? :)

  8. Funny, I was thinking the same thing when my plane from MN landed last night. People used to clap. Not everybody, but there was always someone...

    Nowadays everybody lets out a collective sigh of relief when they land.

  9. i've been called an old soul, fresh.

    i'm talking about the good ol' eighties, baby. and on trips to the motherland, EVERYONE would clap and cheer. granted, that's like 23 hours in the air, so it is a big deal. but i haven't heard any claps for at least 10 years. maybe i'm not going to the right places?

  10. when i flew back home after katrina, there was only 18 people on the flight and they landed the plane at the new orleans airport. nobody clapped, but a lot of people gave me hugs.

    also, do you steal the headphones to take with you on the flight? i use them to listen to the radio stations on the plane.

  11. I guess I vaguely remember that from when I was young. And you're right, I haven't heard it in a while. Not that I'm on a lot of planes, but still. Next time I am, I'm going to do it, we'll see if anyone else joins in.

  12. Hey, I have been trying to continue the expansion of the blog-web by linking people. If you link me, then I will link you.

  13. yup, i myself have never heard anybody clap anymore. BUT just a few weeks ago, my plane landed VERY smoothly. i kid you not, we didn't feel the bump at all... a perfect landing... and everybody in the plane was clapping

  14. I've only seen that in films...
    I usually leave the plane before anyone starts clapping...The last but one stop!
