Monday, January 30, 2006

anyone got any bugspray?

having the flu sucks.


  1. nyquil baby!!!! and a few shots of codeine (syrup form is best)

    follow up with ton of tea lemmon and honey-

    take vitamins-

    and call me in the morning! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. lots of fluids. preferably orange juice and...if it gets bad...a shot of whiskey.

  4. ewww... i don't like theraflu... but definitely follow ale's suggestion.

    a shot of whiskey? i tried it and i lost my voice the next day. but hey, it might work for you :)

  5. Have you tired commanding the flu out of your body? I saw some televangelist do it the other day… then I saw the footage dubbed over with farting noises… both were pretty cool. I’m just trying to think outside the box here…

  6. Wow, everyone has a different remedy... You know what I do? Nothing. Works every time.

  7. You're right - and there are nasty bugs this year. It's the first year I ever spent three days in bed due to "normal" winter bugs.

    Nyquil is wonderful. So is sleep. And for a scratchy throat, I recommend Kahlua.

  8. oh... now I understand your comment on my blog. Get better soon!

    Oh, and I hear brandy and honey with mustard, tobasco sauce and NyQuil will fix you right up... *

    *not recommended.

  9. Take everything. One of them might work. Oh, I feel it for you. Hope you feel better soon.

    p.s. Blogger Anoop in India once said warm mustard oil in nostrils :-o
