Friday, June 30, 2006

you know what pisses me off? II

people who hang out in the bathroom, chatting away as if it were a coffee shop. about the war, about their new hairstyle, about their children's sleeping habits. especially when there is no "foyer" in the lavatory. it's not even a place that is good for a private conversation as it is a) tiny b) echoey and c) not a conference room/elevator/grocery store line/watercooler. dude, get in, do your business, wash up, and GET OUT!

thank god i don't have stage fright.


  1. I hate that too. Especially when someone expects me to be half of the conversation.

    It's got to be an evolutionary survival thing... You're vulnerable when you're doing your business. You need to keep an eye out for lions and bears-- not talking about the Lions/Bears game.

  2. I think on the whole, men don’t really have this problem. In my experience, conversations may be brought into the bathroom, but once business is taken care of, then the conversation moves back outside of the bathroom. I have been diagnosed with a class 10 shy bladder. That’s as bad as it gets. Only 0.000000000000015% of the population is classified with a level 10 shy bladder. So any prolonged bathroom conversations could result in a hospital stay for me with a severe urinary tract infection from holding it in too long. I’m lucky I’m a man. I’m pretty sure I’ve said too much, so I’ll just stop here.

  3. I'm an 8 Jon... I can't even imagine life as a 10...

  4. Throw crumpled bits of toilet paper at them until they run in horror. Or annoyance. Either way, you will have driven them out.

  5. It's not so bad when they're conversing by the sinks. What I really hate is when two people in the stalls continue their conversation. You're supposed to stop talking while you do your business.

  6. I've run into my boss in the bathroom, and he's started talking to me while I'm in the act at the urinal. As far as I'm concerned, there's a fairly short list of people who should try to talk to me while my boy parts are exposed.

  7. i thought i was the only one who got annoyed with this :D

  8. Oh not me, I love to listen. We have a word here for it...fass...curious...nosy.

  9. What about people who dance in bathrooms? Do they piss you off?
