Thursday, June 22, 2006

you know what pisses me off?

when someone is reading while walking, aimlessly, bobbing and weaving about the office hallway. it makes it increasingly difficult for me stop myself from taking off my pointy highheel and sticking it between his shoulderblades to get him to watch where he's going because he's blocking my path to the printer for a report that's already ten minutes late to begin with BEFORE i ever get to it.

that pisses me off.


  1. as one of those people, I condemn these bad apples for not having enough coordination to a. read and walk efficiently, speedily and in a mostly straight line and b. for causing nuisances to others.

    apologies from the more considerate people of the reader-walker group.

  2. plus, doing that ruins your eyes anyway (mine are kind of a lot cause) so hah! the jokes on them!

  3. I was once a fairly fast walker, and I hated when people didn't walk straight. Or when groups walk 5-wide and SLOWLY.

    I'm kind of getting mad just thinking about it.

  4. Cadiz, don’t you realize that those are the best people in the world? They are more important than us and thus deserve to do whatever makes them the most comfortable and happy. It’s like the people that drive 40 mph in the fast lane on the freeway. They are simply superior individuals and must be treated thusly.

  5. I am consumed with irrational rage for slow walkers. That man is the reason I hate shopping malls. Last time I went, I nearly suffered an anxiety attack because I wanted to assault someone but didn't want to go to jail for it. Life is filled with these little moral dilemnas.

  6. i once saw one of them walk into a glass door. it was thoroughly satisfying

  7. next time i see one, i'm gonna trip 'em.

  8. lol - I'm so guilty of this. I can never do just one thing at a that may have been me bobbing about the hallway, probably with a cell phone cradled in my shoulder.

  9. I only hate slow walkers when they are taking up the entire aisle/sidewalk/walkway. If I can go around them without trouble, I don't mind their choice to walk slowly.

    Normally, I walk as fast as possible. Recently, though, I've noticed that I've been unable to pay attention to where I'm going and I've been regularly bumping into people and things. Not reading anything, just totally spaced out. So, sorry, Cadiz. I'll try to be a better person.

  10. Gnarls Barkley. Over here, that song went to number one on the pop chart before it was released as a CD single. It's impossible to leave the house without hearing it at least five times. No understatement.


  11. I'd probably walk up to him real fast, say 'excuse me' and push past. Gosh, I'm becoming rude.
