Saturday, July 22, 2006

always reliable

"i just got myself a sandwich at jimmy johns."

"what'd you get?"

"number four, Turkey Tom. the usual, except sometimes i'm in the mood for sprouts and sometimes not. today i said what the heck, yes to the sprouts."

"that's cool."

"but you know, i have to say, the service i got at this place was IMPECCABLE. and you know i don't throw around service-industry compliments lightly."

"i do. what was so great? they were fast?"

"not just fast, but it was like this girl was multitasking tripletime. she was making someone else's sandwich, got my order, got it right, at the same time took two other people's orders, made all the sandwiches correctly and i barely had time to get my drink and it was ready. then she even apologized for the wait. and she was nice too. wow, you NEVER see that kind of thing anymore. i was trying to get her name without being too obvious. because i'm sure no one ever compliments food-service workers when they should be."

"wow, she must have been something."

"yes. i was very impressed. especially because there's usually like five people back there and there were only two. if every restaurant had one worker like that..."

"probably make a difference, eh?"

"yeah... but you know what?"

"what's that?"

"she was probably on speed or something."

"now THERE'S my girl. all this while i had been wondering where my little pessimist had gone."


  1. In what might be my least braggable skill, I used to work the cut table at Pizza Hut, and I was the only one that could handle both ovens going full boar (approximately 4 pizzas coming out every 30 seconds). That meant de-panning the pizzas, disposing of the pan, cutting the pizza, boxing it, and separating it out into the proper order, then bagging them up for the drivers. Typically, we only had one oven going, and it was a 2 person job then. And I WAS NOT on speed… I know, you’re all very impressed, aren’t you…

  2. NIce Cadiz. I love the philosophy that "every cloud has a bit of rain in it..."

    Although when I was in tokyo recently, I had a train ticket clerk apologise profusely that I had a 15 minute wait for the next bullet train. He gave me a free coffee voucher at Starbucks.

    15 minutes????? I'm happy if my regular bus takes that long to pick me up. Let alone a bullet train.

    Also, I was given a free Coke at McDonalds because of the "wait". It came out in 30 seconds... I was prepared for a five minute wait...

  3. ahahahaha! love the ending to this. "she's nice...she MUST be on speed". good logic. simple, easy to remember.

  4. Hehe, moral of the story...all workers should be on speed.

    Yes Jon, we're all impressed :-D

  5. Jon was also good at eating the pizzas. . .

    I love the realism here. Gotta keep things in perspective. Syar says it so well.

  6. she was probably the kid of some rich people just there for the DAY. i mean, lots of tourists come to take the staten island ferry and they look all happy and stuff- but i bet if they took it everyday for years they would NOT be so thrilled.

  7. ah Lia, I must confess, those words aren't mine. I was quoting Captain Jack from Pirates 2.
