Monday, August 21, 2006

soothing sounds

"i miss hawaii."

"me too. you guys just got back, but it's been 2 years since i was there."

"you know what i loved the most? i loved to hear the sound of the waves crashing on the beach at night. we could hear it from both of the hotels we stayed at during our honeymoon."

"it's very soothing, isn't it?"

"definitely. it's funny, last night when i was getting ready to go to sleep, i thought i could hear it again. i was like how the heck have i not heard lake michigan before today? nah, there's no way we'd hear it from here. then i rolled over and realized it was just C snoring. i guess the way he was breathing right then sounded like the ocean."

"ha ha. well, at least it's a snore that doesn't drive you nuts. you're married to it now, sister."

"yeah. i guess i'll just pretend we're still in hawaii."


  1. Ha :)
    In my first year of college I imagined my roommate's snoring was the ocean... It didn't work!

  2. I’ve never been to Hawaii, but I do know what it’s like to hear the ocean when you go to sleep… that’s pretty nice. But I don’t think I’d ever be able to make snoring sound like the ocean…

  3. wow, that's like when my pops sleeps, except his snoring sounds like he's swallowing a chainsaw...

  4. "honey... your snoring sounds like... the ocean... aaahhh"
    GOOD STUFF!!!!! i gotta remember that and use it if necessary! though I sleep like a rock so i wouldnt even know if the "honey" next to me is snoring... EVEN BETTER i can STILL use this line!!!

  5. i bought a cd of stream water music (i know, money to burn) was supposed to help me drift off to sleep..but it sounds like someone left the bathroom tap running :o(


  6. I honeymooned in Disneyworld. Luckily, there were kids crying there, so EVERY DAY feels like my honeymoon.

  7. Hawaii is one place I know I could live happily. Ocean snoring and all.
