Tuesday, October 24, 2006

sliver lining

there are some cases when everything seems to be going wrong, all you can do is worry what exciting NEW thing will go wrong tomorrow, in the off chance that your worry will make that thing turn around and go back from whence it came. but then tomorrow comes and it happens anyway.

that really sucks.

and though you don't really believe them when they say stuff like, "don't worry, it'll all work out," or "just try to stay positive," secretly, it's kind of nice to hear. if only for the tiny sliver of pleasure you get from disregarding it.


  1. Positively negative? Positive negativity?

    Either way, I know what you mean. At least I think I do...

  2. there is just one catch in positive thinking- you must REALLY believe everything will work out. ever wonder why happy go lucky people ALWAYS lucky-

  3. Yes, it is always nice to hear feedback like that from people...well, it depends on who, though. If George W. told me that, then I wouldn't believe him.

  4. I wouldn't believe George W. either!!! Positive thinking is hit and miss. Once you're nervous about something, it's hard to think positively. At least that's true for me.

  5. ugh girl. i know where you're at.

  6. Said it before, and I'll say it again: Optimists can only be disappointed. Pessimists can only be pleasantly surprised.

    Here's to anxiety, the friend of pharmacists and psychiatrists everywhere!

  7. Two negatives make a positive? :-D

    I worry until I get fed up of worrying then decide it's just not worth it.
