Saturday, November 25, 2006

prevention? so much better

well, the cold medicine hasn't seemed to do the trick. the cough has gotten so bad that i've graduated to antibiotics and have spent the majority of the last 24 hours trying to sleep. hopefully the drugs will kick in and i'll be up and about sooner rather than later. but in the meantime, i may be in the market for a new lining for my throat. but damn, it's good to finally be home.

so take my advice, kiddies: load up on that vitamin c and Airborne! i wouldn't wish this misery on anybody.


  1. Every year I get sick ONCE...

    I have a vacation in a week, and I am just dreading the time leading up to it.

  2. Home is good.

    Sick is bad.

    But sick at home is better than sick at not-home. Small consolation I know; hope your new drugs do the trick, and quick!

  3. Oh no! I'm so sorry that you've gotten so sick! I hope the antibiotics work. Something evil is going around.

  4. I hope being home helps speed up the recovery.

    I've become a big believer in Airborne, since the boy started in day care and brings home some new illness once a week.

  5. ACK! Nasty stuff going around. I hope you start feeling better!

  6. Antibiotics won't help with a cold... Colds are caused by viruses.

  7. oh man, we are WAY past the "cold" stage here. believe me.
