Tuesday, November 28, 2006

the secret life of blogs

whenever something ridiculous happens, one of my coworkers loves to say, "that's it. this is going on my blog." or "oh you'll have to read all about that on my blog," but he refuses to tell us anything else about it. i can't decide if the guy has somehow discovered this place and it's his way of teasing me or if he actually has a blog, and if so, why he keeps talking about it and refuses to give us any hints. i'm intrigued. because i've gone to such trouble to keep this thing a secret. but mostly because inquiring minds want to know. but at the end of the day i'm thinking the real reason he toys with us is because he doesn't have a blog at all and revels in the slow torture of unquenched curiousity.


  1. Two words: browser. History.

    Unless he only blogs from home, in which case the two words would be "tough luck."

    Maybe you could "seed" a post by making up some kind of unique word or event, then doing a Google and/or blogger search for it a few days later? Similar to what went into your post on weird names for babies.

  2. Or maybe he's a dork...did I just say that?

  3. Yeah! Maybe he is a dork. Sounds like one anyway. :)

  4. Blogging is a secret from work... The few people at work who read my blog are the ones I would hang out with outside of work.

  5. Haha, he's wicked. Tease him back Cadiz...when something happens, tell him, before he says a word, that he can put it on his blog. Act as if you've found his blog.
