Wednesday, December 13, 2006

six that set me apart

RULES: Each player of this game starts with the "six weird things about you." People tagged must write a post of their own six weird things as well as state this rule clearly. They must then list six people to be tagged and notify them via comments on tag-ees' blogs. I was tagged by Lia and Syar.

1. As many of you know i have freckles on my tongue. family members have told me that with them comes the power to curse people. a doctor told me the fancy medical name for them and that they're harmless. i'm gonna go ahead and believe i have superhuman power, for which i should never be crossed.

2. i don't like when foods mix consistencies. the biggest offender? chunky peanut butter [shudder]. however, maybe i'm growing out of it, because i love bhelpuri, which mixes crunchy stuff with tomatoes and onions and potatoes and other good stuff. but i tend to give motherland food a pass. especially if i'm risking food poisoning by buying it from a street vendor. i think the danger is what tastes so damn good.

3. i usually like to play by the rules. i was always the annoying kid who made everyone wait while i read the rules on the inside of the box cover before we could start playing. i don't like cheaters, either.

4. when i was little i was terrified of cats. my parents used this to keep me in line, threatening me when i was behaving badly by saying "the mau is coming! you better get your shoes on right this minute! i think i hear the mau!" the same tactic was used to keep me from wriggling out of my carseat, but instead of the mau it was that the police would come if i didn't stay put. i still have a lingering mistrust of law authorities as well as cats. i take each on a case-by-case basis.

5. i was a copyeditor in a past life. as you can see by how i've edited the RULES above, i can't seem to turn it off and continually have to monitor myself when reading anything from billboards to a friend's wedding program. someone once told me "everyone needs a copyeditor" after snidely correcting an error i had made. i was miffed then but now i realize it's the truth, proven by every single one of my blog posts.

6. when i'm very tired and i'm falling asleep, i clack my jaws together like a nutcracker. i'm told it's not terribly loud.

my victims: ML, beeenz, highcontrast, ale, viking and becky. my apologies if you have already been tagged by someone else.


  1. Parents can be so... opportunistic. ;-)

    And I think #2 is why I *can't stand* ice cream with nuts or candy bars with nuts. I like nuts, just not mixed with other tasty treats.

    Exception: Snickers. Also Snickers ice cream.

  2. What a great meem! Thanks for tagging me. I'll have to think of some weird things about myself. I bet I can list more than six!!! :)

  3. hmm...

    1. you can redecorate the house and i wont even notice until i try to sit down to watch TV and end up hitting the floor w/ my butt.

    2. i wake up before 8 everyday even on weekends AND even on vacations

    3. i like anchovies - loove anchovies, even on pizza!
    ....ufff cant think of anything else.... honestly i just dont think i'm weird.. not good at this stuff


  4. I'm furiously taking notes on how to scare my kid into doing what I want.

    You should have included that you drink milk with pizza. THAT'S weird.

  5. yeah, i guess some cat jumped near me and said, "mau," so that's what i called them.

    oh, jam, i love snickers too!

    can't wait to see what all the people tagged have to say! and ale, i'm sure you can come up with a couple more...

    i happen to think milk/pizza cuts the spicy hot factor and goes well with the tomato sauce. and that it's perfectly normal, omar.

  6. I have a mental image of you clamping your jaw up an down like some weird Muppet, while drifting off to sleep...

  7. Great meme! I love your answers. Thanks for tagging me!

  8. I really, really should not laugh at the mau. But I can't help it, I'm laughing my head off, Cadiz. Forgive me and don't send the police. tee hee.
