Thursday, March 22, 2007

just begin the list with b

i flew up the steps in stockinged feet. needless to mention, three into it my foot slipped. i slid down the steps, with only my left pinkie finger to hold up the weight of my body. it still hurts, but it's not too swollen. splinted, i'm fine. i might still knit, but typing is now less fun. the injured is mostly responsible for typing the first of the vowels. omitting this letter relieves the throbbing while conserving delete-key strokes, but you never fully notice how much you use some vowels until your finger is hindered. i've gotten up to here without it, but i'm terrified i'll find myself cornered with my wrists tied if i continue to blog without the first letter on the list. so i'll close here.

i'm sure it is obvious, but no, i did not consult collections of synonyms for this post.


  1. oh that sucks! who knew that use of a pinkie finger could be so important. hope it heals soon!

  2. 1.) i'm sorry to see you've hurt your pinky

    2.) i'm impressed by how long this post is considering you didn't use the first letter of the...vowels...

  3. I F'd up my knee one morning leaving a friends appartment.

    I drive a 6SPD manual...

    I never knew pain until I had to drive home...

    Here's hoping that you are typing and feeling better soon.

  4. The first letter? Meh, who needs it? Twenty-five letters will fit better in columns etc. One problem though: html hyperlinks just got trickier, eh?

  5. You could be like the kids, and write in that language they use to do the "text messaging," where they don't use vowels. Daggone kids.

  6. My finger hurts just thinking about it...

  7. awww, you pooo poo bayby! is your pinky sticking out like something out of star trek greeting???

    when you drink tea do you look like an english aristocrat?

    ok, sorry, not funny, never make fun of an injured person...




  8. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry about your pinky! I hope it gets better soon!

  9. Finally, vindication for those of us using the two-fingered typing method.

  10. in keeping with the no-A theme, i'll do my best:

    yes, it's pretty key-- you just never notice how much you need it. the finger is tethered to the one next to it so i perpetually look like i'm hello-ing otherworldly beings. or, you know, drinking lipton's with butter cookies.

    sucks about the knee, i'd find it difficult to drive stick even with functioning knees.

    i'll need to skirt those pesky hyperlinks.

    heh, heh, just thought of the mr. 3000 guy, o. i love his terminology.

    two-fingered typing? nuts. but i'm sure you're quite quick when doing it.

    i'm sure your vibes help! blessings to everyone in return.

  11. Ok, so I think you've proven there is no need for the letter "a." I'm very impressed. I think I'll try not to use it either. I'm going to found the first club whose mission is to not use letters we don't need. We'll begin with first letter in the alpha... dammit.

  12. Unfortunately, there's an "a" in "frustration". Have you ever tried getting away without "e". I'm told it's practically impossibl.

  13. sorry just talked to you on the phone and forgot to ask you about your ... injury...

  14. i felt that way when i was posting, jon.

    very astute, lia. however, my big beef was about typing the letter, and using labels only requires a mouse click. i've since gotten used to the awkward keystrokes around the splint thing. it's all good.

    no prob, ale, it's really not a big deal. sexy pic, btw.
