Wednesday, April 04, 2007

missing the chains

One of my big complaints back when I was in the dungeon was that I was in the dungeon. And now that I am not in the dungeon but working in snippety bursts all over the place, I am longing for a routine I can lean on like a tired old lady with her cane at the bus stop.

And this capitals thing is driving me batty.


  1. Understandable. I thrive on routines.

    Completely unrelated, but when I read about the coyote going to Quiznos in Chicago, I thought of this post.

  2. have you considered getting and leaning on a cane? just for effect of course.

  3. But why the capital letters though? I myself am an advocate, and usually hate it when people forgo caps, but with you...I mean, well, the good writing distracts from the format I suppose.

    Just so you know, I don't need any extra keystroke energy expended on me. I'm a cheap date that way.

  4. Routines are nice. They can get on my nerves once in a while, but I tend to fall back on them.
    Switch off the caps and type how you want to. :)

  5. ok, I'm going to go against the crowd here and say, stick with the caps. I'm sure you have your reasons for using them now, so let's not abandon that.

    As for the routine, I can spare some of mine if you're interested...

  6. I really like having routines, they keep me sane, so I can see where you're coming from.

  7. thanks guys. as much as i'm going to miss the freedom and "me"ness of no caps, i think it's for the best in the long run.

    i never realized how much i need routine until i found myself working different hours sometimes within the same week. it really screws with your system.

  8. Some folks thrive on the lack of routine, not me. When it comes to getting things done, I need it.

    Maybe after a while, the lack of routine can fall into a steady rhythm, I don't know.

  9. noticed you didn't use caps in your comment.

  10. yeah, i'm keeping them oldschool. but i have a feeling that this caps thing isn't going to last. but i plan on giving it my best shot.
