Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Unemployed: Day Two

"What are you doing?"


"On what, your blog?"

"Yeah, so? I sent out some resumes, too."

"You spend so much time looking at that thing."

"It makes me happy. And what if one day I somehow get famous and I buy you a present and say, 'mom, THE BLOG paid for this present.'?"

"Oh, by that time I'll be dead, so it'll have to be flowers you can put on my grave. But I'm going to be cremated, so I won't even have a grave, so you'll just have to put them on the table and think of your poor, dead mother."

"Is all this continued death talk some sick and twisted way of encouraging me to hurry up and have children?"



  1. I think it's very cute that she accuses you of "looking at" your blog. Like it's a mind-numbing TV program instead of an interactive link to a global community and a superfun outlet for pent-up creativity. DUH, mom.

  2. Wow, you went from blogs to death to birth in that one little conversation. Deep.

  3. Why would you want to read that into your mom's comment?

  4. When you do become a famous blogger, try not to forget the little people, would you? I promise I'll never talk about my future death in order to encourage you to have children. Cross my heart...

  5. Ah, moms. Who else could say this kind of stuff without pissing us off?

  6. hahhaa i IMMEDIATELY knew where she was hinting... my mom goes for a more direct approach- "have children! have children NOW! do it! do it!"

  7. I've already got one, and my mom still hasn't eased off the "when are you having more" talk. Though I don't think she's tried the "death" angle yet. Nicely done, cadiz's mom.

  8. And though it's been like two and a half years, I still don't say your screen name correctly in my head. I know how it's supposed to be pronounced, but I still stumble on it every time. I think I'm just going to start calling you "12."

  9. yeah, i think my mom doesn't really *get* the whole blog thing yet, but i'm pretty sure if i had a kid and she realized that was quick and easy access to pictures of him/her, she'd be blogging's number 1 fan.

    ask anyone and they'll tell you my mother is the sweetest, most generous, loving being that ever walked the planet, no doubt about it. however, as wonderful as she is, my brother and i are the two lonely souls who stand in the way of her grandchildren, and for that we are in a very delicate predicament: at the same time constantly watched over to ensure we are healthy enough to procreate, but at sudden risk of death if we do not comply.

    so yes, any conversation with her--be it about cauliflower or blogging--is really about my having a baby. i've known about this about her my entire life, and i think it's funny. because as much as she prods and insinuates, she'll love me no matter what happens. however, nobody can top her in the arena of guilt-tripping. but i'm lucky in that i actually do want to have a baby; just not until the time is right. you know, like when i have a paycheck and insurance, and a husband to get up at 2 a.m. wouldn't hurt much either.

    omar, i feel your pain. and while this example is probably lost on you, for the first five harry potter books, i was calling the heroine Hermione "Her-moyne" and it took practice to pronounce it correctly as "her-MY-own-knee."

    just think cAH-these, with a little harder "th." but i'm still your pal even if you don't say it right.
