Friday, November 09, 2007

up to the minute what i'm up to

Yesterday, I joined Twitter. Just in case my posting every day this month and assaulting the unsuspecting masses with commentary wasn't enough Cadiz for you, you can now track my movements, too.

Now all I have to do is come up with lots and lots of mundane activities to twitter about as a cover for all the secret government work I'm actually doing.


  1. I'm on twitter too! I'll log on and become a "follower."

  2. Secret fed work? For the record, I don't know you.

  3. I tried Twittering for a couple of weeks and then gave up. I got tired of trying to come up with clever ways to say the same dull stuff over and over, like--I'm at work, I'm still at work, and shopping for bell peppers.

  4. you better watch.. they maybe listening....... wait.. you're one of them "listeners" aint you.. that's why you're on twitter.. to watch other people... hmm I'm on to you

  5. I twitter from time to time... basically, it takes awhile to get used to reporting every mundane detail of your day, but when you get the hang of it, it can be useful.

  6. You are a Twit? Me too! I often thought Twitter was a way for the FBI or Homeland Security or whatever the hell to track "chatter" - am I right?
