Tuesday, June 10, 2008

speaking of gangsters

They're filming Public Enemies just outside our office. Those poor production assistants have been working overtime in the heat changing street and window signs and there are dozens of old-school cars lining the streets. Johnny Depp will be playing John Dillinger.

Here's the only wimpy photo I could get on Monday with my camera as I crossed the street trying not to look starstruck. Coincidentally that was Johnny's birthday (some people had signs).

On the left under the trees you can see a bunch of sweaty extras in heavy coats and fedoras sweating away in the heat.

But people.com had a way better shot of the shoot, including the man himself:

photo by Charles Sykes, Rex USA via people.com

Fake gangsters seem to plague my working life.


  1. That is SO cool! I'm insanely jealous of your daily near-brushes with fame. Maybe Johnny Depp will see you from a distance, working away diligently and say "HER! I can't live without her."

    And then you'll have to break his heart and stay with H.

  2. I worked on film sets for a long time, but even when I see them now, I love to stop and gawk. If Johnny Depp was also there, well that's so much better.

  3. I'd stand for hours in a big thick coat in order to see Johnny Depp. But then people would realize I'm not part of the production and kick me out of there pronto.

  4. Holed-up safes and Johnny Depp?? I am SO amazingly jealous of you!

  5. I have no shame.

    I would stop and stare at Johnny Depp.

  6. When did Chicago become the film capital of the world? And how come I never see this stuff? I've been here for over 2 months, and I have yet to have one single brush with fame...

  7. Nice car, Johnny!

    They sometimes film Law and Order near my office. I keep wanting to go say hi to Chris Noth.

  8. I'd brave the elements to gawk at Johnny. Or maybe smell his shirt. Or touch his shoe. Although some of the less informed might call this "stalking." People can be so judgemental...
