Thursday, May 07, 2009

back, back from Cali, Cali

I had such a fabulous time in California. The first week, with cc and her family, made me feel as though I had just left the spa without even getting a massage (however we did get pedicures; I even splurged on the little flower design). Cc had such a bounty of delightful things to show me around San Diego, from her neighborhood (big ups to North Park/Hillcrest!) to Balboa Park and the world-famous zoo. Plus there was a lot of hanging out, a little WWE Monday Night Raw with b, shopping, and so much good food--not to mention the margaritas!

The first day I arrived, the temperature was near 90 degrees, so we decided to go to the beach. However I was not prepared for how cold the water was, so I only got in up to my knees. A few days later the temperature was dipping into the 50s. Cc said I saw the full spectrum of year-round SD weather in the span of a week.

We met up with one of H's sisters and her husband for dinner, and while I was the only one without my honey, somehow I was the target of the mariachi serenade. And then there was dessert: If you're in San Diego, be sure to check out Extraordinary Desserts. I've already had at least one dream about their Roasted Coconut Cream Torte, with more to come until I can get back there and have another piece. H's sister mentioned something about a crazy man who shot someone there a few years ago, but I'm telling you, those cakes are totally worth the risk.

At the end of the week, I hopped on the Amtrak to Los Angeles (the train goes by about 20 feet from the ocean in some spots) where H and his sister picked me up. We had a few very relaxing days with his family, during which I got to see a lot of adorable baby photos, spend quality time with his grandparents and have a few more In and Out Burgers--another thing I will probably be thinking about until I can get back there again.

But the main reason we were out in the Golden State was because H's buddy's sister asked him to photograph her wedding. She flew us out there and accommodated my trip to San Diego. During the event, I backed him up with another camera and was so busy I didn't have time to think about how I didn't really know anyone there.

Combined, we took about 2,200 shots that day. This is one of my favorites.


  1. That's a great picture! Did you or H take it?

    I love to visit CA as well. San Diego is a favorite destination.

  2. Ah, yes, the sun and sand of Cali! Love that picture, nice work!

  3. "...those cakes are totally worth the risk."

    Hehe, my favorite line. I love to hear people talk about foods so good they would risk life and limb!

  4. Looks like you may not have to travel to Cali for your burger fix:

  5. Where is the Mariachi picture???

  6. Woah, I posted a comment and it disappeared! No matter. Just wanted to say I hope you had a great trip. I love weddings - always make me tear up a bit. That pic represents everything sweet and wonderful about weddings.

  7. Anon: That was one of mine. I was flipping through the shots on the camera at the end of the night and showed it to the bride and groom as they walked by (it's the only pic they've seen so far).

    SupaCoo: Thanks! The sun and the sand were awesome. The water? A little too chilly for me.

    Willowtree: Oh goodness how I could go on and on about certain foods! Eating is really one of the best pleasures in life.

    CC: What the WHAT!?!?!?

    Amanda: I can't decide if I look like i'm five years old or giddy with drunkenness. I was listening carefully because my h.s. Spanish teacher told me that mariachis in restaurants sometimes change up the lyrics in songs for their own amusements. however, ours were strictly by the book.

    Stelle: I love weddings, too! I have to say photographing them makes you really pay attention to the sweet little moments.

  8. You dreamt about food!

    After I stopped eating meat, I used to dream about chicken, bar-b-qued, stewed, baked. It used to smell sooooo good in my dream!

    Oooh, that's wicked and hilarious, if it's true, that the mariachis change their words, and listeners think they're being serenaded with romantic words.
