Monday, November 08, 2010

and there's nothing you can do about it

Last Friday, my coworker was driving along with her two kids in the car, minding her own business. She was crossing the intersection on a green light as one is supposed to do, when a vehicle to her right decided to just jump on into the intersection. Apparently that driver didn't happen to see the HUGE WHITE TRUCK my friend was driving and slammed into the passenger side, where her son was sitting. Everyone was fine, save for the possible broken ankle of the son and the seatbelt marks on everyone, but the huge white truck was completely totaled.

That same day, another coworker of ours was in a five-car pileup. Hers was the first car stopped at a light. The fifth car was driven by an elderly man, who plowed into the fourth car hard enough to cause a chain reaction all the way to the front.

Both of these coworkers were obeying the laws, keeping within their limits and these boneheads just hauled off and caused terrible accidents. You can be the most perfect driver on the road, and if you happen to cross paths with some idiot, you could be seriously injured. The reminders that these things are possible at any time with no warning makes my brain hurt.

I know, cocooning yourself in the safety of your home is no way to live. But it's easy to forget that the world is a dangerous place.


  1. When I lived in Malaysia (and had access to a car and drove everywhere, as opposed to using public transport here in Melbourne), I used to scare myself a little with the thought that all of us on the road were just hurtling along in these metal deathtraps, missing each other sometimes by inches. God knows I myself haven't been the most careful driver, but the thought that if all of us were that little bit reckless AT THE SAME are we all still alive?

  2. It does seem amazing that we aren't more personally affected by the fact that people in cars are dangerous. But I believe the chances of someone being killed in a car accident are 1 in 500. The chances are much higher that you'll be involved in an accident of some sort, 1 in 140. I'm thankful that no on I love has been killed in a car accident. I hope your friends are OK!!

  3. I just caught up on all of your posts over the weekend - first of all, well done on sticking to daily posts! I see both Sphincter and I failed miserably already. Anyway - accidents are scary, and just that - accidents. Which means we can't plan or prepare or avoid them. Personally, I'm terrified of planes still - I expect every plane I'm on to crash just because I don't understand how on earth they stay up!

  4. I wonder what the statistic is for number of drivers on the road without a valid drivers license is? I bet it's a lot. I think it's funny how once you are given a drivers license, you still think it's okay to drive even if it's been revoked.

  5. I'm always afraid that my plane will crash, and hardly ever worry about car crashes, even though there are way more car accidents than plane crashes.

  6. Oh geez, can you imagine getting rear ended in your car by a plane?!!? What are the odds?!?

    As a former pizza delivery driver, I can tell you that no matter where you go, there are horrible drivers. I really think it needs to be a lot harder to get a license.

  7. Here's something you might be interested in, Cadiz:
