Friday, November 12, 2010

spent the whole week looking forward to all i'd accomplish today

Today was my day off.  I woke up at 7a. I didn't actually eat, but snacked. I did all the laundry. I took a bunch of CDs my mom gave me so I could import their contents onto her iPod and realized that she already had 80% of them. I mended a couple pieces of clothing that I'm not ready to part with yet. Then a contractor came to see about a leaky pipe. We went and painted some pottery, then watched Dexter over pizza.

I have no idea where the time goes. Am I just underestimating how long it takes me to do stuff? Because this lack of checklist checking off is really getting me down.


  1. Today I slept at 6am and woke up at 4. The most I have done today is shower, get dressed, and make pasta which I am now eating in front of my laptop. Don't worry, as far as checklist checking off goes, you are streets ahead.

  2. It sounds to me like you got a lot accomplished! Yesterday I was very unproductive. I sat in my office until it was time for my daily performances and searched for jewelry online.

  3. Doesn't sound like a day off to me.

  4. Your checklist has got to be super long, because relative to my fridays, that sounds way productive.
