Saturday, October 22, 2011

why bust a streak now?

By now, you've heard of NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month=November or whatever month you want it to be). I've wrote a post for each day of November for the last five Novembers, and for this November I've decided to bore my two readers with the details of our small-for-an-Indian-wedding DIY wedding--which is the direct cause of my lack of posting for the last 12 months or so.

Anyone else in? Husband? Madelyn? Syar? Jasmine? OMAR*?

*granted, you're going to have to create a new blog, but I thought I'd ask anyway.


  1. I'm down. I'm going to need some purpose after I finish this stupid Honours year, if that even happens.

  2. I am thinking of trying! and also would love to read all about the wedding as I plan my own !

  3. I can't wait to hear all about it!!

  4. I could reopen the doors over at

    But not likely. I'll be reading here, though!

  5. You know me, I like to keep the general public guessing. Who knows what I might do.

  6. It's something I would love to do [though you haven't mentioned my name haha], but I don't think I can make it, too much to do around here, plus tutoring English. I have tons of material daily! Life here is one big mis-adventure :-D

    Being romantic, I can't wait to hear about the wedding.

  7. YAY! so i'll have more company this year!

    gg, i didn't put you on there because you're the most reliable blogger i know. you never keep us waiting for too long, and i hope you keep that up!

    please remember that even if you're not blogging every day, any comments would be greatly appreciated! i will be trying to comment everywhere i can as well. thanks for the support!

  8. Psychic Pimp11/01/2011 4:29 PM

    I'm back. You better make this worth my time.....

