Thursday, May 12, 2005

good vibes

it seems like it's all systems go for the bro's surgery tomorrow. i'm not sure how much time i'll be spending in the hospital with him, but i'll try and keep people posted.

they won't decide the gravity of the work that needs to be done until they get him on the table, so it's anyone's guess. last time a 1 to 2 hour procedure turned into 8 hours of excruciating waiting.

dammit, i don't even have anything to read.

anyhow, thank you guys so much for your kind words. any good vibes you can direct his way would be greatly appreciated. the kid is really hoping to be well enough to see his girl and hopefully be able to get that internship. but only time will tell.

i guess it's a sick twist of fate that i wasn't the one who has to go through all this; it kills me that i can't step in to relieve some of the suffering. of course, if i didn't know better i'd still be whining about my tender blood donation bruise. and if i would have had to face what this kid has already overcome, i surely would not have made it long enough to write on this blog.

hopefully you'll hear good news from me soon.


  1. Thoughts, prayers, and good luck to your bro and the rest of your family. It isn't fun to be sick or watch it happen to someone you love. Be strong.

  2. I have a feeling all will go well. I have never been wrong and I don’t plan on starting now. It’s all about attitude. My 82 year old grandmother recently fell and broke both of her legs and I swear I’ve never seen a more positive person in the world. She almost got happier after breaking both of her legs, and she is way ahead of schedule on the recovery process. She made me feel ashamed to complain about my little baby hamstring injury. I went to visit her that first night she spent in the hospital and the smile it brought to her face was unbelievable (she thought because I lived a measly 45 minutes away that I wouldn’t come… silly grandma!). So to recap, a great attitude and the company of loved ones = quick and healthy recovery. Your brother will be fine ; )

  3. As girlspit said, best of luck to your bro and your family. Stay positive!

  4. sending you and your family good vibes! they are=
    ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* :)

  5. hope he get well soon...

  6. Hey Cadiz. All the best, and I hope it goes well. My good vibes are coming via FedEx, and pending customs should arrive next Friday...
