Saturday, July 09, 2005

the problem with parking -- vol 3

the problem with parking is that, when you're in a hurry and you've been trolling for a spot for 10 minutes and finally find one that's dangerously close to an intersection and you accidentally move up too far, another driver can *claim* to think that you were signaling to turn, not park, and then pull a fried-green-tomatoes move on your ass.

then he'll just shrug his shoulders as you contemplate giving him the finger, wasting the entire appropriate finger-giving window, and you end up having to park down the street six blocks. that spot had been right in front.

you just come away wondering where the hell Tawanda is when you need her.


  1. that sucks- at least in nyc when people think that you're about to park they won't mess with you... because you never know the cazy reaction that you get... in IL i think people are still a bit relaxed. you should have just got out of the car and went nuts on him!!! yelling screeming, long hair tossing everywhere in a wild manner-- you know what to do--

  2. "wasting the entire appropriate finger-giving window"
    haaaaaaaaa. love it love it love it!!!!
    tell me? what is a fried-green-tomatoes move? sounds sensational!!!

  3. you gotta learn aggressive parking tactics from jon.

  4. yeah, usually i would have told him what's up or at least shown my displeasure with a big ol' WTF, but he was going into the same venue i was and i was afraid he was someone i was trying to take a class with. i just wussed out.

    jon's going to have to teach me to drive stick, too.

    mr. highcon, in fried green tomatoes, she totally gets a parking spot stolen from women who are younger and prettier. i just got it stolen by someone who was younger and better able to breakdance.

  5. Reminds me of good a Seinfeld episode...

  6. But the major problem is, being the age I am, I cannot smash into their car as I don't have "more insurance" a la Fried Green Tomatoes".

    Oh, and usually it's an SUV... which would only have crumpled my car anyway....
