Monday, July 11, 2005

resistance is key

amazing how, with one key change, a repeated dream can have a totally different outcome the second time around.

scenario one:

a party. hero and heroine find themselves seated near one another.
awkwardness. alcohol. smalltalk. alcohol. nervous laughter. more alcohol. pent-up emotions.

they go for a walk.
discussion. tears. comfort. hesitation. intent gazing. confusion. temptation. slightly less hesitation. surrender. confusion. regret. anger. sadness. resentment.

scenario two

a party. heroine and ace find themselves alone together.
awkwardness. smalltalk with no eye contact. alcohol. food. smalltalk with eye contact. pent-up emotions.

they go for a walk.
discussion. expectation. confession. comfort. hesitation. intent gazing. confusion. temptation. slightly less hesitation. realization. reluctant resistance. confusion. confirmation. satisfaction. contentment.


  1. what the HELL where the heroine and hero drinking??? better question: what the HELL were they SMOKIN'???? :)

    big kiss- well- glad the last word is contentment.

    hey maybe it should be "heroine and duffice"?

  2. this is weird b/c either scenario one wasn't really a dream or I must've pulled a Freddy Kruger and jumped into your nightmare......

  3. Funny, somehow I imagined the hero as Harvey Birdman...

  4. Okay, so I read heroine as "heroin" and it really came out strange. Once again, my skimming has gotten me into trouble.
