Tuesday, December 06, 2005

the single best thing about watching the Amazing Race Family Edition

not having to hear everyone refer to each other as 'babe.'

listening to racers bleat and bellow it ad nauseam -- to mean 'hurry the hell up' or 'you just put us in last place,' or 'i can't believe i brought you with me' or 'ohmygod i'm so not going to talk to you when this is over' -- erases any and all intrinsic sentiment from the word and encourages me to never want to use it as a term of endearment. ever.

i'm glad for the reprieve, even if it means i have to watch scantily clad sisters whine about how everyone is such a jerk but wonder why nobody likes them.

next tuesday night on CBS will be the season finale of The Amazing Race: Family Edition. if you're curious about what all the fuss is about, that's the time to check it out. it's two hours and will feature three families racing around the world to win a million dollars. and someone will win. without saying too much, the contestants include some characters. in the preview it shows that they'll be whitewater rafting, swinging on a trapeze, throwing each other down in an airport and --omar, this one is especially for you,-- curling.

just thought i'd put that out there. enjoy!


  1. I am so not going to watch shows where people talk like that. hahaha we still haven't bought a new tee veeee...

  2. seriously, though, gg, it's a very good show. and the whining kind of makes it better. it's like getting to know the personalities of your favorite ponies at teh racetrack. i know that sounds mean, but it is what it is.

  3. oh cadiz i'm SO with you on that- i just cant staaaaaand the stupid couples that go on there- and so true they all call ea/o babe!!!

    the family edition is a bit confusing though- hard to keep track of who is whith who... too many people i think-

    and because there are too many people they dont really get a chance to start hating each other, cus others serve as distracting factors- when its just a couple- they're together 24/7 and that really brings up issues.

    -i bet its the last time they have a family edition.

  4. are you watching the apprentice though? so predictable... the black guy will win.

    they had a guy win, a girl win, now the black guy will win.

    but he is also by FAR the best candidate, he was standing out from the very start!

    still i'm sure they manipulate the candidates and the show to be politically correct. they pretty much set it up who they want to win at the end

  5. I am soooo with you too!
    And those sisters with they hoochie shorts!?! come on now! This is a family show, I don't need to see your nalga hanging out!

    I'm rooting for Wally and the Girls (gotta love him wearing his ILLINI gear) or The Linz's. Have you noticed that one of those guys looks a lot like Chris O'Donnell?

  6. it's like watching a bad car accident. you just can't stop looking at it.

    i'm ready to start the tryouts for Team Blogger. as team leader, i will be looking for people with a sense of humor, map skills, agility skills, hitchiking from one town to the next skills, and a new skill which i am making up known-ass "kickass". If you can somehow use the term "kickass" to describe something you're good at, chances are you can find a spot on our team and a lack of tv coverage for our crude language during primetime television. not to worry, because while the other teams are on tv, that's when we sneak up on them and beat them.

    semper fi.

  7. Things to keep in mind when I'm in the race... The last thing I want to do on national tv is upset Cadiz!

  8. for real, ale; a lot of those girls esp look alike to me. but now i'm starting to be able to tell the difference. however, i hadn't even noticed one of those G. sisters until like last week.

    i think they wanted us to WELCOME back the whiny couples. personally, i'm ready to see them again. just hoping HOPING HOPING that anyone with freaking 'model' in their self description will be automatically disqualified for being ANNOYING!!!!!! or, they'll just add 'model' to everyone's description. like i'd be dungeoness/model and ale'd be diva/model...

    angel: NO KIDDING! it's a family show, not a nudy show!!! for god's sake PUT SOME FREAKING CLOTHES ON! i love wally, but i don't like the way the girls just dismiss him sometimes (granted, i totally do that to my dad, too) i hope they win. that poor linz sister -- her brothers make it like a frat party every day.

    lucasj, i AM SO GOOD at the kickass thing. i'll have to work on my hitchhiking skills, but i am a strong competitor. mr. shuck and jive and i flirted with the idea of a blogger team months ago, but since he has fallen off the face of the earth and rarely comes by anymore, perhaps i need to be holding a tryout of my own...(hope you get around to reading this, jon.)

    don't worry viking, i have a high tolerance for shenanigans, but low tolerance for cheating and whining based on nothing.

  9. I can't help it. I love Amazing Race. I blame it for the fact that 'babe' snuck into my vocabulary. But what can I do?

    Oh - before I forget. Today Cadiz is my favorite blogger for having a totally awesome idea. I am also certain she's the bestest, nicest, most attractive blogger (did I not promise flattery). So, sorry all other bloggers. Today it's all about 'Diz.

  10. ooh, glo, flattery will get you EVERYWHERE! are you trying to get an edge on the Amazing Race blogger team competition? it's working...

    can't wait to see you implement the idea.

  11. I've still never seen a single episode. I'm working on it though.

  12. o, i suggest you watch this season's finale. any other episode and you won't have the background info or continuity to truly appreciate it. i got hooked by stumbling onto season 3's finale when the whiny princess was rewarded for threatening to quit about fifty bazillion times. with a million bucks.

  13. i'm missing something. i don't watch the amazing race. sorry girl!

  14. you sure are, jazz. take it from a reality show snob.

  15. Geez, a guy takes a small 4 month break and it’s like he never existed!! I’ll have you know that I still read a lot of posts, namely every single one of yours Cadiz. I just have such a hectic schedule that commenting is difficult. But perhaps a Team Blogger win on the Amazing Race would give me the startup capital to get me back to blogging full time! I’m on board. Map skills? Check. Driving skills? Check. Mad Driving Skills? Check. Willing to do crazy stunts? Check. Kickass skills? Double Check. Bring it.

  16. wow, so does that mean we've got some fierce competition brewing, or what? who else is in?

  17. Team Blogger so far:

    It's time to start the phone calls to CBS execs and Blogger should pony up some petty cash for kickass uniforms and training dollars...and food...and boarding...and petty cash expenses...and misc.

  18. hell yeah, lucasj! with enough endorsements, TAR could be bigger than NASCAR...

    that would be kickass.

  19. The last show I watched, when we had a tee veeeee was the bachelor!!! That LONG AGO! Romance, romance, gimme romance.

  20. i stopped watching amazing race after the third season. the one with the twin models. tee hee.

    this one looks alright, especially when soccer moms freak out and tell their kids to shut the *&^% up. the promo ads are cool. will probably not watch it. I'm like that, once i black list a show (for reasons like "the hot guy that used to be the hot doctor is so not getting any air time anymore!") I am unlikely to watch it again.

    but I'm glad you tried. :-)

  21. Maybe I'll give it glance. I still haven't seen a single episode. But I gotta start studying sometime...

  22. I saw my first episode this week and thought of you. Maybe I'll join Team Blogger - it might be fun.

  23. we're talking weaver sisters. who really need to be wearing more clothes.

  24. GG there is Batchelor in Paris comming out soon- ohhhhhohohho

    i didnt think that show could have gotten any more cheesy- well it will apparently

  25. Anyone but the weavers...that's who im pulling for.
