Monday, January 01, 2007

fake it till i make it

happy new year everyone!

i know you love to come over here and catch my latest complaint, and as we all know, that's probably not going to stop anytime this century. however, i do hope to be more positive in 2007. we'll have to see how long that lasts.

regardless, let's hope this year puts all the ones that came before it to shame.


  1. Positive or negative, I'm glad you share these glimpses of Life Around You. Cheers!

  2. Cheers to mock positivity I say.

    Let's say you have to be negative to appreciate the positive. So without your rants, how would you know the value of being positive sometimes?

  3. Amen to POSITIVE.

    I get to sit down with my bosses boss this week and talk about a raise... My team's numbers were up for the whole year. We hit every goal set for us. And I happened to pull all of it off against two other guys who've been in the field almost as long as I've been alive.

    I'm still nervous as hell...

    So POSITIVE is a great plan!

  4. Happy New Year to you!

  5. I didn't even wave goodbye as 2006 passed. BLECH! That year MUST die.

    My apologies to all who loved it. We had an early misunderstanding and just decided we weren't meant to be.

  6. happy new year girl! how is the job hunt going?

    piu piu (your blog signs me in with my real name for some weird reason...)

  7. I'm with Glo, 2006 sucked. 2007 is gonna rock! Happy New Year :)

  8. We all know how long New Year's resolutions typically last. . . Good luck! :)

  9. Remember, I find your pessimism "delicious"! Here's looking to more feasts of negativity! And generous lashings of positivity too. Happy New Year!

  10. Happy Complaining, Cadiz :-D

  11. I think that if you maintain a positive outlook in your everyday life, but release a little steam on the blog here, that will be just fine. You don't want to disappoint your readers now, do you?

  12. Happy New Year for you too!

  13. boyfriend still in town?

    how's the positive outlook so far?

  14. yesssss... cadizzzssss! come on over to the BRIGHT side!!!!.... sempreprimavera is really your vaaaader.... wwwaaaahahhahahahaaaa
