Thursday, November 01, 2007

pack it up, pack it in, let me begin

The last few days have been somber, with me packing up my files into faceless cardboard boxes, dismantling furniture and watching cabinets empty themselves out onto the floor. I had my last meal at Brett's Kitchen and shed a tear or two at the timing that our office was closing right after The Onion headquarters moved in next door. So little time for witty banter at the elevator, but I did manage to squeeze some in, even though I didn't always get their jokes.

As for the job front, there isn't much to report but I fear jinxing myself as much as your average third grader, so hopefully there will be some good news soon. In the meantime, I'm struggling to keep my patience with this dialup connection at home and I'm embarking on the joy that is Nablopomo. Many other lovely bloggers (some 3813) have joined up, including some of my favorite peeps. You can check out my profile page or just browse around--you may just find your new favorite blog. Posting every day of November is tricky business, so every comment is even more appreciated than usual. I'm promising to leave a few comments every day at places I've never been. Good luck to everyone!


  1. But on the bright side, now you're unemployed! isn't that awesome?!?! you may not know it yet, but it is, trust me. And since you've only got dial up at home, you're going to need all that extra time to keep up with NaBloPoMo.

  2. Nothing interesting to say, just offering support. Blog, blog! Go, go, go!

    And you'll find a job. Don't stress.

  3. I came to win. Battle me? That's a sin.

  4. This post has moved me. I hereby pledge my support for your NaBloPoMo efforts whilst simultaneously shedding a tear for all those quick quips and pop culture-laden bromides you were robbed of the chance to spout.

  5. I am so amped for NaBloPoMo, even though I just messed up my hand.

  6. Hooray, cadiz all day, every day. Who could ask for more? Just don't forget your other blog friends as you're making new ones, *sniff*

  7. They sure make it difficult for non-members to comment there.

  8. It's gonna be great. The job hunt front, the next thirty days' posting, onset of winter - what's to not like?

    Okay the uncertainty, sure. And the need for daily bursts of creativity and lots of time. But still.

    It's gonna be great.

  9. Looking forward to checking you out every single day!

  10. The blogosphere is here for you! Let loose and bitch EVERYDAY if you want. We'll still be here.

  11. well, the one good thing out of your unemployment is that your readers can look forward to more blog posts! ;)

    I know it's a cliche but the universe disrupts our lives now and then for a reason. i think you're keith richards post a while back captures that idea beautifully.
