Wednesday, April 02, 2008

let's hope i don't have to re-knit sweaters

For years, I've said that I lived at my parents' house because I had to stockpile money for the impending Depression, and that all my years spent learning to make clothes, knit and generally be crafty were preparation for the hard times I was sure are coming. I was mostly kidding, of course.

Salon has an opinion piece today about just how close we are to falling off the edge of the cliff and into another economic depression. And while this is one person's take on the current situation that I don't even completely understand, there's some interesting discussion in the comments that sort of freaks me out.

Nobody knows what will happen, but I'm going to try and educate myself a little better about what's going on. And I sure as hell will think twice about joking about it again.


  1. Hey, great, just another reason why I won't be able to sleep tonight.

  2. I only like to read the articles that say we'll be fine because of regulations that were put in place after the other depression. But, I'm also going to try and learn to grow my own food, just in case.

  3. It's a good thing I work at a restaurant, I can always steal food. Will this depression mean lower gas prices?

  4. Another reason to stick it out with a govt job. This whole idea of depression is depressing, though.
    It's an interesting article - it might just keep me busy all morning.

  5. Oh my God. More reason to move over to Europe! Then again, a Depression would pretty much make everywhere suck.

  6. You might have a look at this article:

    The first sign of a turn-around is when everyone is completely pessimistic...

  7. yeah ive been freaking out about this as well. the other day i got into a fight at the deli bec. they charged me two dollars extra for an egg sandwich. normally i would let it slide but now that we're in an economic downturn i stand up for my two dollars.

  8. I'd like to think that a depression would build lots of character... Besides, don't we need some really good stories for our grandchildren? Aren't we supposed to be able to tell them how tough we had it?

  9. For years while living in the Caribbean, I anticipated the hard times. Then I moved back home. Shees. Everything is tuff here, it seems. I want to be like those self sufficient people who garden, sew, etc. etc.

  10. Meh. I'll believe there's an economic downtown when I can find front row parking at Nordie's and there's no line in out the door at Starbucks. We've got a ways...
