Saturday, April 05, 2008

nothing says "I'm sorry" like rows and rows of gadgets

"Sorry I didn't call you earlier to say I couldn't come home early and you had to sit around all afternoon."

"Take me to Fry's Electronics, and I'll forgive you."

"Ok, we'll make time for Fry's tonight in between the paint store and the hardware store."

"I can be bought—I forgive you."

"I guess every man has a price."


  1. Men are so easy to please sometimes. A few more dvds, maybe a portable dvd player, you have a happy guy. Hmm...then again, it doesn't take much more than that to keep me happy, either!

  2. I don't think taking H to Fry's is ever a good idea. It's like taking a kid to a candy store.

  3. The way to a man's heart is through his Wii?

  4. Good ol' Fry's... get's 'em every time!

  5. Fry's is a place where magic and dreams become a reality... I think they could charge admission and people would still shop there... (sigh)

  6. Thank goddess for gadgets.

  7. Ha ~ I really liked this post ~ short and sweet and a nice story ~ Fry's is great!
