Friday, January 17, 2014

Stitch Fix: My Second Box

Unfortunately I have only gotten slightly less lame since the first Stitch Fix post with my first box. This time I didn't model the clothes, either. The weekend went by SO QUICKLY!

But I did model the scarf.
You can see why I don't like doing this. 

This scarf was pretty--I used the "Magic Trick" method* to tie it. But I put it up against a lot of the shirts/sweaters I might wear it with, and I don't think those colors would go. I passed on it.

I had a picture of this one on the floor, but the beauty of it is its drapey-ness, so I'm posting a photo of the little suggestion card they give you with each item--the piece I was sent is the gray, draped sweater (they're just suggesting the striped dress and orange shoes). 

I have a black sweater like it, and I can never leave the draped parts alone, for whatever reason, every time I get up from my desk, I wrap them over my front. They look like bat wings that way, and thus I look like Dracula. It ruins the look. It's a nice sweater, and it had pockets. But I passed.

This polka-dot navy blazer has a bit of a fuzzy feel to it. I really really almost kept it, but I would most likely want to wear it with jeans. I consulted the best stylist I know in real life, pp (she once dressed me for a huge interview I had to get on a plane to attend, and I was really sad when I had to donate the blouse because it was too tight, but I still wear the pencil skirt). She said if I couldn't match the blues from jeans to that blazer, it wouldn't work. So I had to pass. Jon was not a fan of the polka dots. Does he not know me? There have been days when I come back from a whole day of shopping with nothing that DOESN'T have polka dots on it.

This is great. The pattern is interesting, It fits pretty well, I really like the color combos. AND I have a jean jacket just like the one they suggested pairing it with. Can work for the office and out. I kept it.

And now for the item I knew I was keeping the second I caught a glimpse of it in the box:

LOVE. I love the color. I love the detail, I love the style. Looks great on, too (I'll have to take a picture of myself when I wear it). I LOVE IT. Also, this is that color that I love so much that I asked my mother to wear it to our wedding, because it looks awesome on her. Kept.

And here's an "action" shot of me wearing the scarf I kept from the last box.

I combed my hair and put on lip gloss. You're welcome.

If you want to try Stitch Fix, this is my referral link.

*The "Magic Trick" is at 2:35 in this very well-executed video by Wendy's Lookbook, which shows you 25 ways to tie a scarf:


  1. ha! nice action shot! lovely magenta!!! glad you're having a decent time with this service! ~ my luck is fizzling out... been getting total duds the last few boxes. Like they aren't even looking at my profile or what not...

  2. sorry you're not having luck, m! i have been bad about indicating what i like, but i'm pretty open, so i've liked what i got so far! have you done a pinterest page? i put like two things on there (need to do a little better) but they have been reflected in what i've gotten! plus, i sent links to my blog posts about the boxes. not sure what helps most, but i figure more info is probably better.
