Wednesday, November 15, 2006

backwards body clock

dungeon duty allows me one week of vacation a year, so i have to be choosy. all year, i made grand plans for my time off-- during which i'd finally not be commuting or keeping such ridiculous hours. but the reality? i've spent the last several days in the house, doing some long overdue personal projects. the biggest of which is to change my sleep schedule back to that of normal human beings. sadly, my rhythm is so incredibly jacked that yesterday i saw the sun for the first time in five days. granted, daylight hours are pretty short here, but still.

i have tried EVERYTHING to train myself to be awake during the day and asleep during the night. i've pulled a couple all-nighters, only to pass out haphazardly and awaken in the dark with carpet marks on my face. and when i do manage to caffeinate enough to make it, i'm so jittery and loopy that i don't trust myself behind the wheel of a car, so nothing gets done anyway.

so basically, i'm torturing myself to switch my body clock to days. i will probably only manage it with little time left for any fun and then i'll go back to working nights and be all turned upside down again.


  1. Aw man, that sucks to try and move your body clock over to another time period! Maybe you should just keep it where it is so you won't have to torture yourself in moving it back again...

  2. That is such a hard thing to do. Go to your doctor and get on some Ambien to help you out.

  3. dude just tell those dungeon ppl to SCREW THEMSELVES!!!!!!!

  4. You can always do what I did-- move to a time zone where the sun is coordinated with your sleep patterns. All this time I was living on the east coast in Pacific time!

  5. Yeah, moving time zones sounds like a good idea. There are many benefits to living in the pacific time zone. For example, Monday Night Football Starts at 5:30 PM, so you're not up all hours of the night just to watch the end of the game. Tell me that's not worth it?

  6. I enjoyed a trip out to the pacific time zone for the reason that Jon mentioned. I like watching sports at a reasonable hour. HOWEVER, I wouldn't be able to handle New Year's Eve well knowing that most of my countrymen get to ring in the new year before me.

  7. like and omg! you'll be able to watch laguna beach and OC like in REAL time! like right in front of you omgomg! yeah, i keep forgetting that there is also washington and oregon besides california out there
