if you hate crowds, valentine's day night is IDEAL for IKEA. not a soul was around to roll their eyes at us flopping on couches, spinning chairs, opening drawers, pulling back curtains. however an audience might have enjoyed the silly scenarios we enacted in the pretend-room displays. you know, if they weren't trying to shop for furniture or something ridiculous like that.
later, we went to a local pizzeria and shared a heart-shaped pizza pie. we felt right at home with all the families with kids jockeying for the cheesiest pieces and the curliest fries. we bitched and moaned over the state of our love lives, our jobs, our *plans,* and joked around in the usual way. a good time was had by all.
this year i'm disappointed that i can't be all sappy with H in person, but i did stumble upon this in my desk.

happy valentine's to you, highcon. don't be a stranger now that you've moved to the Big Apple.
and to the rest of you: you're special! wand-erful, even.
btw, i only let him get away with that term of endearment because i've known him so long.
that has to be the best vday card ever. hands down.
It's like, magical.
Did you color by number?
OMG H ... Highcontrast.. do all guys you love start with "H" ??? :)
plus, i'm jelous... so i'm not the only person he goes to IKEA with! I feel so CHEATED ON!!!
:)) hehe
I love it! What a perfect non mushy V-Day card! :)
I love IKEA. It too is wand-erful.
Ha! That card is fantastic, in a "only a very few select people could get away with this" kind of way.
That card is perfect! I love it!
I don’t think I’ve ever received such a heartfelt Valentine’s Day card from a friend. However, I did get two middle school style ones here at work yesterday… seems a little odd for the professional work place. Fortunately, we’re advertised as a highly UN-professional work place.
hey, is that a new masthead?!?!?!?!?!?!? Very nice!
loooooooooove the masthead.
and i hope your v.d. was nice (valentine's day - hahahaha)!
yeah totally GORGEOUS new look!
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