Take this lovely address book carefully saved in the original bag.

I bought it in Barcelona when I was studying abroad. I was impressed that a reknown architect could make buildings without using math. Gaudí, my hero! My rationale for not filling it out right away was that nearly everyone I knew was graduating and moving around all over the place. I was going to wait until people were more stable in their addresses so as not to mar the beautiful pages by crossing/white-ing out entries.
Guess what? It's eight years later and my friends are STILL moving all over the place.
Ale, be sure to give me your new address; I'll send you postcards from suburbia. You know, just in case you forget what it's like out in the middle of the United States.
That's a pretty address book. I buy notebooks knowing full well I've 10 pretty un-used ones at home.
Wherever my friends are living now (re : with their parents) are addresses I'll have to keep anyway. I'm sure our home addresses are Plan B's should our grand life plans not come to fruition.
I love that address book! I do the same thing with make-up....yes, make-up. I always find brand new compacts or eye shadow in bags in my bathroom. I think I need to reorganize some things! :)
Cadiz, that's why you use pencil in address books!
awww so sweet!!! but really i cant even belive it myself!
I love that address book, it's beautiful! I'm not normally one to save stuff I don't use, but that book I would definately save!
it has glossy pages. remember those annoying workbooks we had in grade school? pencil erasing is definitely a no-go.
I think that computers and cell phones these days make it harder and harder to appreciate a good address book. But maybe that's just me...
I hate it that architects design buildings without knowing any math. It makes life so much harder for the engineers who have to explain why the design won't work.
wow that address book is artwork on its own. i def think we should bring address books and letter writing back!
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