Yep, I've got 'em on. I'm heading out to Los Angeles this afternoon to hang with H and his peeps, catch some good improv, try my hand at Guitar Hero, browse around for furniture, cuddle a baby and hopefully have some sushi.
I'll be back next week, but until then I leave you with a discovery I recently made in the refrigerated case at Potbelly. It must be the Kola nut or the Green Tea, but it really reminds me of something I sampled back on a college road trip stop at Coca-cola headquarters in Atlanta. It was an flavor of Coke that featured the taste of lychee aimed to please Asian consumers. Plus the name reminds me of this magazine I used to get when I was a kid. Sometimes the good-vibe association alone is enough to make you love something.

Cricket cola. Not for everyone, but it makes me happy.
I'll be with H, so you know I'll be online. I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend.