Monday, June 11, 2007

difficulty rating of 5/5 on first attempt? it's the cadiz way

"If I can't figure this out, I'm going to die."

"Uh, I did NOT spend all that time and money raising you just to die because you can't do a puzzle.*"

"Money? Since when do parents tally up the money?"

"Cadiz, nobody does anything without expecting a return."

"And that is?"

"To see you grow up and get your life established."

"You mean get some children."


*I'm sure I should have made my first try with Sudoku with an easier puzzle. And yes, the fact that the paper said a Seventh Grader completed it in NINE MINUTES has nothing to do with why I tried it.

Okay, not really.

6 3 _ | _ 8 _ | _ _ _
_ _ 9 | _ _ 7 | 3 _ _
_ 2 _ | 6 1 _ | _ 4 _
_ 9 _ | _ _ 5 | _ _ _
4 _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ 8
_ _ _ | 4 _ _ | _ 3 _
_ 7 _ | _ 6 4 | _ 1 _
_ _ 3 | 7 _ _ | 6 _ _
_ _ _ | _ 9 _ | _ 8 5


Lia said...

Still working on it. And it's not my first try at Sudoku.

I'm blaming the time delay on the interruptions to actually get some work done.

Librarian Girl said...

Sudoku is the work of the deeeeevil. Damn numbers.

DCveR said...

Try a Killer Samurai Sudoku!
What? What do you mean only geeks solve that? I resent that! ;)

cadiz12 said...

i don't know about geeks, but if i don't figure it out soon i fear it will destroy my street cred.

Beenzzz said...

This looks like fun........NOT! I'll give it a try and see just how dumb I am. :)

Bill C said...

These things totally wear me down. Hope you beat it into submission; you must. Emerge. Victorious!

Alla said...

i'll have my grandma take a quick look at it

Jon said...

I used to do these all the time at work... because I'm an excellent employee... I'll see what I can do. I'll get back to you by the end of the month.

Lia said...

So, do you actually want the solution? Because if you do, I have it. Unfortunately, I forgot to time myself, but then, constant interruptions make timing it impossible.

omar said...

I suck at Sudoku, though I do have it on my iPod and play it occasionally. I stick with the puzzles for newbies, it helps keep my self confidence intact.