Thursday, April 05, 2007

proof that i'm not insane

Thank you, Omar, for pointing out that seeing a wild animal trotting around downtown Chicago is not, in fact, a sign that you're hallucinating.

Yesterday, a coyote wandered into a Loop sandwich shop and planted his booty down on some Diet Pepsi in the beverage cooler. Here is the Chicago Sun-Times story on the incident, of which I found this to be the best part:

There were four customers in the shop when the coyote wandered in. Two left, but two stuck around to finish their chicken sandwiches. They took photos until a police officer shooed them away, Patel said. The officer didn't have far to go; he was at the Dunkin' Donuts next door.


omar said...

No prob. I had heard of the story, but until now, had not gotten details. I didn't realize he was in there for quite so long before Animal Control got to him.

"He's chilling out for real." Way to get your name in the paper, Eric Campbell.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

That coyote sounds pretty cool. Heh, I can think of worse wild 'animals' than him, they think they're people.

ML said...

I heard about that on the news. I also took a gander at the pictures from your link and he looked pretty comfortable sitting in the cooler :)

Jon said...

I like the people that are so into their chicken sandwiches that not even a wild cayote will slow them down. I think that's the kind of intensity everyone should bring to their meals.

cadiz12 said...

some experts are saying the coyote incident may have to do with geese. because traditional predators of the Canada Goose aren't found in these parts, they've run rampant to the point that someone i know calls them the "vermin of suburbia." coyotes, who were brought into the area long ago to hunt overpopulating deer, don't have to exert as much energy for a goose dinner as they would chasing Bambi.
and geese hang out by the lake, so coyotes come to the city.

a weird thing is that people are trying to curb the goose population by "hunting for eggs" in Grant Park (ironic for this time of year, eh?). then they'll cover them in corn syrup to stop development. sounds cruel, but i guess that's approved by eviros like PETA because otherwise, they'd have to kill hatchlings and that's much less humane.

damn geese. always crossing the road in such a slow and taunting way. i can't say i'm sad to see some go.

Mike said...

Most of our cities (especially in the midwest) actually have a thriving coyote population. It's not often that they try to order a Pepsi though...