Wednesday, August 24, 2011

apparently there is a word for this

And it is Decision Fatigue.

The New York Times had an article about it that came out last week, exactly a month before we're supposed to do this whole knot-tying thing.

Here's a small excerpt that particularly spoke to me:
The idea for these experiments also happened to come in the preparations for a wedding, a ritual that seems to be the decision-fatigue equivalent of Hell Week. At his fiancée’s suggestion, Levav visited a tailor to have a bespoke suit made and began going through the choices of fabric, type of lining and style of buttons, lapels, cuffs and so forth.
“By the time I got through the third pile of fabric swatches, I wanted to kill myself,” Levav recalls. “I couldn’t tell the choices apart anymore. After a while my only response to the tailor became ‘What do you recommend?’ I just couldn’t take it.”
As I've taken to saying (btw, theknotdotcom tells me that there are some 24 days left), I would gladly plan anyone else's wedding because it would be up to somebody else to DO THE DECIDING.

Finally we have some sort of scientific proof that I haven't completely lost my marbles.


neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I knew it. I'm not alone. Too many choices will drive us all bonkers.

Anonymous said...

There must be an iPhone ap for random choice...

Anonymous said...

Well at least in 24 days the decisions will be over!! You'll be fine.