Sunday, November 08, 2009

some things never change

This morning I woke up to the smell of freshly made blueberry muffins and a pot of tea on the stove. Bless his heart, my fiance knows how to put me in a good mood. He's definitely a keeper. 

I was so excited that I drank up all the tea without realizing it had two tea bags in it. Some of you longtime readers may have heard about my reserved-for-emergencies-only caffeine policy. During college, I weaned myself off the stuff so I could hit that sauce when I needed to pull an all-nighter (ask pp, it wasn't that uncommon). So nowadays when I have a cup, I'll be up for a minimum of 40 hours, easy--and likely to be found bouncing off the walls. 

That's where I'm at right now, skippity-doo-dah-ing all over the place. I'm betting H had no idea he'd get so much entertainment from one pot of tea.


cadiz12 said...

i realize now that the link in this post goes to the coffee situation that kept me from sleeping/packing for that september 2005 NYC trip--the one during which i had those fateful text messages with H. maybe i couldn't sleep that night because i was excited about what i didn't realize was going to happen!

Anonymous said...

They do have decaf tea nowadays...

Madelyn said...

nothing worse than too much caffeine keeping you up at night.

Syar said...

Tea makes everything better, so I am of the opinion that you can never have too much tea.

Jon said...

Believe me, I learned my lesson. I'll never use two tea bags again. In fact, right now, I'm removing half of the contents of all remaining tea bags in the house...